A community of care

Through engagement with Irish-based visual artists and curators of intersectional, minority cultural, or minority ethnic backgrounds (person of Colour, Traveller, Asylum Seeker, Refugee), we hope to nurture a visual art community build on care and accountability.

Contributing to change

We created this resource with a view to contributing to change; our hope is that it will grow into an invaluable resource for visual art curators, producers, and organisations throughout Ireland.

Angelica is a wildflower

A global nomad of temperate areas - including Ireland - and believed to have originated in Syria, it is a much-mythologised plant. Angelica is widely understood as an agent which promotes support and deeper meaning, one which eradicated apathy and surface-level perspectives.

The network is not funded directly
and is run on a voluntary basis, but
we encourage you to contact us or
follow us on Instagram if you are
planning a funded project and
would like to involve Angelica.

Website and design
  • Branding and logo: Natali Bleich
  • Dev and hosting: Carl Lange